Dos ideas: Exposición Modulada Y Guiado Diferencial

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Registrado: 21 Ago 2006, 23:00
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Mensajepor moladso » 28 Feb 2008, 01:32

He obtenido una respuesta de un fabricante:

Dear Jaime,
One of ourLCD shutters will not work very well in your application. There are a few problems, and they are discussed on our web site here: ... ations.htm
The biggest problem for your application is the 55% light loss going through the display in its "clear" state. If you have a very bright object in your field of view it would not be such a problem, however as we know, this is rarely the case.
We have worked with both the US Naval Observatory here in the US and also the ESO in Munich to overcome the problems of using an LCD as a shutter with no success. Sorry.
Best regards and good observing,
Chuck Oravec
Sales Manager, LCT

Tratando de ampliar la información sobre los proyectos USNO y ESA obtuve esta respuesta:

...their projects were different from yours, and also that the projects never went far enough to create any technical data. One was stopped by the 55% light loss, and the other by the light loss and also the switching speeds of the shutters (they needed a few microseconds switching and >95% transmission)

Definitivamente es un proyecto difícilmente viable con un LC-Shutter y mecánicamente complejo con un obturador mecánico... :?

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Mensajes: 2106
Registrado: 01 Nov 2006, 00:00
Ubicación: Madrid

Mensajepor Verio » 28 Feb 2008, 10:29

moladso escribió:Definitivamente es un proyecto difícilmente viable con un LC-Shutter y mecánicamente complejo con un obturador mecánico... :?

En la tercera página del PowerPoint que puso Jahensan al principio de este hilo he visto que una cámara SBIG utiliza un obturador mecánico hecho con una especie de rueda dentada. Los dientes son del tamaño del chip. La rueda al girar expone u oculta el chip. Si SBIG lo utiliza será porque es factible. En cualquier caso el sistema parece sencillo.
LX200R 8" / MiniBorg 50
QSI540wsg / QHY5 / Lodestar / SVX-AO
Meade 26mm s.5000 / Baader 8-24 / ES-14mm / ES-20mm

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